0191-2502006 | kc.bedcollege@gmail.com


Bachleor's degree course in Education (B.Ed.)

Rules regarding discipline, leave, absence etc. :

  1. During the period of training, a College student is expected tomaintain and give proof of a high standard of discipline and sense of responsibility.
  2. No student shall be allowed to take part in any anti-national, anti-social and subversive activitywhichmay go against the interest of the institution.
  3. A Pupil Teacher shall not accept or retain full-time or part-time job during the training period in this institution.
  4. A person so long as he is a student of B.Ed course shall not be permitted to attend any other course of instruction or appear in any other examination of this university or any other university.
  5. A student who remains absent from the classes for 15 days without permission is liable to be struck off fromthe rolls of the college.
  6. Any kind of leave to be availed ofmust be got sanctioned before hand.
  7. Smoking in the college is strictly prohibited. Any student found making use of drugs or intoxicants shall be liable to be expelled fromthe college.
  8. Taking part in the college functions/ cultural activities and sports shall be compulsory.Any violationwill be viewed seriously.
  9. It being a co-educational institution, both the sexes are enjoined upon to exhibit examplarymoral conduct and behaviour.Any deviationwillbe strictly dealtwith.
  10. The syllabi, and courses of study, as also the regulations and statutes governing the admission, eligibility, practice of teaching and examination etc., as prescribed by the University of Jammu from time to time for the B.Ed. course shall be strictly binding on all the students of the college.
  11. College Uniform: All the students admitted into the college shall have to wear the college uniform on specified days, special functions and during the Practice of Teaching. The prescribed uniformis as under :-
    Girls:Pink suit with pink dupatta & black sweater.
    Boys: Grey trousers, white shirt & black sweater
  12. Any student found indulging in undesirable activities prejudicial to the interests of the college and the Management, shall be removed from the rolls of the college without any prior notice. The punishment will be decided by the Principal whose decision and authority shallbe finaland binding.
  13. Visitors: Visitors are not normally allowed to meet the trainees during College hours. However, in case of an emergency, the parents and guardians can see the Principal from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
  14. Students and Guardians are advised to read these rules carefully.After the Admission, it will be taken for granted that all rules have been read by them. No excuse, whatsoever, will be entertained in this respect later on.
  15. The Institution reserves the right to add or delete any rule in the interest and welfare of the institution and students.

Library Rules:

K.C. College of Education has a well furnished Library with books covering a large variety of subjects such as Education in Emerging Indian Society, Psychology of teaching-learning process, School Management and Pedagogics of education, Development of Educational System in India, books on different aspects of education, teaching subjects and subjects of general interest. Important Educational Journals. Magazines and Periodicals are subscribed to by the College. There is also a Reference Section. There is a well furnished reading room which can accommodate 50 students at a time. The students have to observe the following rules:

  1. One student can borrow two books at a time for five days. A fine of Rs. 2/- per day per book willbe imposed for the late returns of books.
  2. Periodicals, journals, encyclopedias and reference books shall not be removed from the library and can be studied only in the Library.
  3. The students shall have to produce their identity cards for the issuance of books.
  4. The working hours of the Library will be the same as the working hours of the College. The Library and the Reading Room shall remain open during the vacation.
  5. All Library books shall have to be returned after the completion of the Academic Session. Every student shall have to produce a "No Demand Certificate" from the librarian to get the RollNo. Slip pertaining to the Final Examination.
  6. The student should point out the damage that might already have been caused to the book at the time of issue otherwise he / shewillbe responsible for the damage.
  7. No outsider can enter any section of the librarywithout proper permission.
  8. Any student found guilty of damaging, scrapping, tearing or misusing the books shall be penalized according to the report of the Enquiry committee constituted for the disposalof such cases.
  9. Any student who does not return the book and reports the loss of the book to the Librarian, shall have to pay double the cost of the book in cash.